Munay Ki Rites


Munay-Ki Rites are beautiful Shamanic initiations. These are strong energetic transmissions which help in bringing evolution in self transformation by healing the wounds of your past – your karmic & genetic inheritance.

These Rites help to transform your luminous energy field  and offer the potential to complete within one lifetime a process of evolution that would otherwise take many many generations. It is the key to taking a quantum leap in species evolution.

Rites of the Munay-Ki are based on the traditional initiation practices of the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, who are the descendants of the Inca.

You can receive these ancient sacred rites initiations from Munay-ki Teacher, Ssurili (registered as a graduate on Munay-ki worldwide official website)

There are Total 10 Rites of Munay-ki :

“Munay-Ki Rites can be received and practiced by both men and women if they have a calling for their self transformation and evolution.

Rite One (Healer’s Rite):

Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist you in your personal transformation, awakening the healing power in you so that everyone you touch is blessed. You energetically connect to ancient healers who help heal the wounds of the past and of your ancestors.

Rite Two (Band of Power Rite):

Five energy belts are woven into your aura for protection. These belts act as filters, breaking down any negative energies that come toward you into one of the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and light, thus protecting you and not allowing those energies to impact you.

Rite Three (Harmony Rite):

This Rite transmits the 7 Archetypes into your Chakras so that your chakras shine with their original light once you start connecting with these powerful archetypes in your chakras.

You will receive the archetypes of serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, eagle; and three archangels : the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super-conscious).

Rite Four (Seer’s Rite):

Pathways of light connect your visual cortex with your third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.

Rite Five (Day Keeper’s Rite):

You connect to a lineage of master healers from ancient times. Daykeepers can call on ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth and bring us into harmony with mother Earth. This Rite helps you to begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.

Rite Six (Wisdom Keeper’s Rite):

You connect to a lineage of luminous enlightened beings from the past and the future. This Rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, and taste infinity.

Rite Seven (Earth Keeper’s Rite):

This Rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our solar system, stewards/protectors of all life on Earth. This Rite lifts you from your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free so that you may dream your world into being.

Rite Eight (Star Keeper’s Rite):

This Rite helps your physical body to evolve into Homo Luminous – with the potential to slowing down aging process, reinforming your DNA, and making you become more resistant to disease.

Rite Nine (Creator’s Rite):

This Rite awakens the Creator-light within, bringing  stewardship for all creation – from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. Once you discover that Spirit not only works through you but AS YOU, and all of creation is happening inside you, the stewardship then becomes natural.

As you start working with the germination of these rites through sacred fire ceremonies, you’ll be touched and blessed by the lineages and keepers of these ancient rites and all will be bestowed upon you.

Rite Ten (Rite of the Womb)

The lineage of women through the jungle medicine have given Rite of the Womb.

The feminine spirit of the jungle reminds us of this simple and vital truth:

The womb is not a place to store fear and pain;

The womb is to create and give birth to life.

Once you receive it you share it with as many women as possible.

Let’s heal our womb; let’s heal our mother’s, sister’s, and daughter’s wombs. And in this way bring healing to our Mother Earth.

I am blessed to be a “Sacred Womb Keeper”. You too can become one!

Things to keep in mind while receiving these beautiful self transformational Rites :

Maximum 3 Rites initiations can be received in a day except during teachers training.

Can I become a Munay-ki teacher ?

Yes, you can enroll for Munay-ki teachers training workshop which i conduct every few months in Online and Offline classes. 

Can i learn to conduct Munay-ki Rites ceremonies for giving these rites to others ?

Once you become a teacher, you can organize your own workshops as well as perform ceremonies for gifting these beautiful transformational Rites.



Receiving per Rite Initiation
per Rite


Munay-Ki Teachers Training
Multiple days training

Munay-Ki Experiences....

Womb Healing Testimonial By Anita Kundnani Mumbai

ASTRO & WELLNESS Talks – Ideas worth Sharing on 20th Oct’2018 at the 10th ASTROOWORLD

Sara Vidal from Peru South America on 7.04.2019 at Mumbai

Munay-Ki Memories

Munay Ki Rites Ceremony, Mumbai
Munay-ki Rite of the Womb Gifting Ceremony conducted by Healer Surili Guptaa at MUMBAI on 18 March 2018
Munay-ki Rites Teacher's Training Workshop 29-30 Sept 2018 - Bangalore

Munay-Ki Memories

Munay-ki Rite of the Womb Gifting Ceremony conducted by Healer SSurili G
Master Healer Surili G during a session of Munay-ki Rite

Read Reviews

Munay ki Rites – How lucky I am

Highly recommend Surili G who is kind, loving, patient, advanced healer. You will be lucky if you come to her!!


Listen to my Audio Review

22 January, 2020
California USA

Wonderful experience receiving Munay-ki Rites, Mumbai, India

Sara-Vidal-Munay-ki rites-Mumbai_Surili-Guptaa

Hello my name is Sara Vidal from Peru. Here in India Mumbai I received Munay-Ki rites from Surili Guptaa. It was a wonderful experience receiving five rites. I can say of all this full spiritual work. I felt a lot of internal and external strength, a lot of joy, peace. All activated energy centers and in harmony with my inner being. I am very grateful to Surili because this experience has been wonderful, at all levels.

I recommend the practice of Munay-ki rites to connect with your inner being and awaken the beings that live in you in this way help to be a better person to remain a better  human being and serve God better.

Sara Vidal
9 April, 2019
Peru, South America

Munay-ki Rites Teacher’s Training Workshop participant

Nisha M Chandran Munay ki rite workshop bangalore

It was a very pleasant experience to study with Surili. She is very considerate teacher and had explained all the Rites (even complicated ones) in a very simple manner which was very easy to understand.

I am very happy and honoured that I had studied under her. I’m also looking forward to undergo other workshops as and when she visits Bangalore or when I’m able to attend it.

Thank you Surili for helping me learn these Munay-ki Rites which I wanted to do for a long time.

Nisha M Chandran
30 September, 2018
Bangalore, India

Womb Rite by Surili

Tianna T Mumbai

I had a great experience while receiving womb rite. I felt some warmth energy inside and around my stomach. Experience was really  nice….Surili ji is a great healer and therapist.
I recommend females of all ages to receive womb rite.

Tianna T.
18 March, 2018
Mumbai, India

Munay-ki Rites 13th Rite | Rite of the Womb

Dr Namrata Sadavarte, Mumbai

It was totally different experience for me. I stood before you, I felt something heavy around my body. I could feel it. I felt nice. Thank you.

Dr Namrata Sadavarte
18 March, 2018
Mumbai, India
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