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Lama Fera Workshops

13 June 2021: Lama Fera Level 1 Workshop

LAMA FERA Healer Level Workshop

Attend One Day Healer Level Workshop with Lama Fera Grandmaster Ssurili

LAMA FERA is the fastest and most powerful healing technique practised since ancient times. Lama Fera helps to remove sufferings of the soul, remove negativity, blockages, black magic, entities, spells, karmic problems, critical illness, mental and emotional problems, financial blockages, energy imbalances, vastu problems and problems in space energy.

LAMA means anyone who follows philosophy of Buddha, and FERA means healing around body with energy of Buddha. This method of healing has been practiced by Lamas in Tibet since ancient times.


Importance of Lama Fera:

The main cause of suffering according to LAMA FERA is the ignorance of the soul. And main purpose of LAMA FERA is Soul Realisation.

The Main purpose of LAMA FERA is to create a balance in physical, mental and spiritual levels.

LAMA FERA has only two main levels – Master Healer level which has one Attunement, and Master Teacher level which has two Attunements.

After completing both these levels one attains complete Shaktipat (Energy Transmission) of Lama Fera.

* LAMA FERA is different from Reiki, a non-Reiki channel and person who doesn’t know about healing can learn it too. LAMA FERA works instantly, where Reiki can’t work.

* LAMA FERA directly works on elements, and instantly removes the negativity from house, shop, person.

* LAMA FERA is a powerful healing modality, and complete in itself.

* LAMA FERA is about the discipline and it is about the path of Soul Healing. After learning this you will see growth in every aspect of life. But you have to maintain the purity of this modality.

* LAMA FERA healing can also be done from distance.


Benefits of Lama Fera:

Removal of Negative Energies

Removal of Black Magic

Removal of Blockages

Clearing Aura

Emotional Healing

Physical Healing

Mental Healing

Soul Healing

Balancing Energy Bodies

Balancing Five Elements

Balances Chakras

Space Healing


No previous healing knowledge is required to learn LAMA FERA

Anyone above 14 years of age can learn Lama Fera


Healer Level Workshop Includes :

*One Healer Level Attunement/Initiation

*Lama Fera Healing Kit (containing Lama Fera Yantra, Maroon Robe, Healing Stick, Earth Sticks and Skechu Mala)

*Healer Level Manual

*Healer Level Certificate

Workshop Content :

*Lama Fera History

*Healer Level Symbols

*Sharing of Practical Knowledge, Learnings and Experience

*Learning Basic Vaastu healing

*Removing Spirits, Entities, Dark Energies from a person

*Demo of Lama Fera Healing Session

*Learning Self Healing, Healing Others and Distance Healing

*Shuddhikaran Purification Process

*Siddhikaran Process with Mudras

*Kaal Chakra Meditation

*You will be added to a whatsapp support group of other healers and masters trained by ‘Surili Heals’

The event is finished.

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